Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight


Wishful thinking and Russian propaganda from the anti democracy mouthpiece.
NATO says Russia is losing 5 men for every Ukrainian…Ukraine says 7.
Even Russia isn’t claiming 500 Ukrainian deaths a day, they boasted they killed 220 in one day last week…which means maybe 100 irl.


The end is near and Ukraine will lose to Russia.


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Looks like yo are listening to the propaganda.

Time will tell.


Wishful thinking and Russian propaganda from the anti democracy mouthpiece.
NATO says Russia is losing 5 men for every Ukrainian…Ukraine says 7.
Even Russia isn’t claiming 500 Ukrainian deaths a day, they boasted they killed 220 in one day last week…which means maybe 100 irl.


Time will tell…always true…but you don’t seem to ever notice our respective records.

The information I share that you call “propaganda” turns out to be verifiably correct well over 95% of the time. The “information” you present that I call propaganda turns out to be false over 95% of the time, only supported by other easily debunked propaganda and admitted lying propagandists.
See a difference?

Notice I wrote who is claiming what with no opinion about who’s correct, while you posted propaganda directly from Russia as straight fact with no source listed…your source is apparently the Wagner group themselves and sounds like it’s a claim from January (that’s the only claim from Russia of 500 dead or wounded Ukrainians in one day that I can find)….who’s listening to the propaganda again, comrade? 🤦‍♂️

What’s undeniable even by you is that you post pro-Russia anti US, anti democracy “information” (propaganda) constantly and consistently, and you actively root against American interests so you can hopefully blame Democrats.
You should be careful, pro-Putin propagandists tend to explode lately like the one in St Petersburg that blew up today.


Looks like yo are listening to the propaganda.

Time will tell.


see that little hammer and sickle thing i put on my avatar when mocking you? its because i knew you were a russian bootlicker from the getgo. and now its confirmed!

i. win. again.



The end is near and Ukraine will lose to Russia.


Sweet Jeebus….you are posting videos from Hindustan Times directly quoting rebel and Wagner commanders as facts and YOU say I’M listening to propaganda!?!

Oh my, you are the funniest little fool I’ve ever encountered. No matter how many times they feed you anti democracy lies, you are there on your knees mouth agape ready to swallow more. 😲


Looks like yo are listening to the propaganda.

Time will tell.


Moving this video to bobknight33's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.


You win NOT.
The only Russian nonsense is Hill Clinton and the DNC which paid for the Steele Dossier and proven 100% BS .

But you, a foolish man has no idea of this reality because you watch slanted one sided "news"

Bakhmut has almost fallen -- and Russia is gaining ground. I'm not taking sides but facts are facts.

The question is WHY Russia entered Ukraine. Im sure that NATO breaking their agreement with Russia over last 40 years and entering into non NATO countries has a something to do with it.

But has that question been asked on your fake news outlet?


see that little hammer and sickle thing i put on my avatar when mocking you? its because i knew you were a russian bootlicker from the getgo. and now its confirmed!

i. win. again.



You are the epitome of a laughing stock…you win…here’s your “biggest boob” trophy. 🏆
Oh you dumbshit….The Washington Free Beacon (a right wing publication) and Paul Singer, (a far right mega donor) paid for the Steele dossier about Trump, then later sold it to Clinton. That’s a fact.
Republicans created the Steele dossier, and most, like 90% of it, is confirmed to be correct, none of it was ever proven false (EG- if the dossier said an anonymous source said Russians have pee tape blackmail material against Trump and it is never found, the dossier wasn’t proven to be wrong at all, it just reported the claim). People (like Manafort) went to prison for charges stemming from it.

But you [are] a foolish ignorant man has no idea of any reality because you watch slanted one sided internet propaganda from anywhere as long as it’s anti American. It’s never correct, it never includes legitimate sources, and it’s 100% anti American, anti constitution twaddle and inconsistent lies.

Since you believe anything you see online, watch this unverified report and enjoy…

You said near 3 weeks ago that Bakhmut HAD fallen and was under 100% Russian control, proven by the faked Russian propaganda film of someone raising a Russian flag somewhere and declaring victory, but Bakhmut is still not taken, Russians are losing 1000 troops a day, and Ukraine just got 40000 more troops and billions more worth of current military equipment, Russia is using 70+ year old equipment they’ve never trained with and is dropping bombs on itself.
I’m taking sides, I’m with democracy and stability by treaty.
You are too-siding with Russia, despotism, expansionism, and lies.
Russia is losing ground, losing soldiers, losing equipment, losing borders, losing its long term stalemate with NATO, losing billions from sanctions, and is losing this war. Facts are facts, and you’ve never met a real fact you could agree with.

Russia entered Ukraine because they tossed out the Russia installed “president” (his first “election” was thrown out as a total farce). Yanukovych delayed signing a hugely popular pending association agreement with the EU, choosing to accept a hugely unpopular and bad for Ukraine Russian trade deal, leading to his removal from office and, surprise, cushy retirement in Russia.

NATO had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia breaking the treaty from the 80’s in which they and the United States guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty and border security in perpetuity if they gave up their nukes. That included Crimea, which Russia invaded too over nonsense lies.
They declared Crimea under terrorist attack (it wasn’t) and invaded “to protect the citizens”. They did the same in Ukraine, recognizing the terrorist separatists as the legitimate (unelected) government and declaring the real government were terrorists attacking peaceful Russians in Eastern Ukraine. (The same peaceful Russians that shot down a commercial airline full of innocent people completely uninvolved in their conflict).

Putin said the purpose of the operation was to "protect the people" in the predominantly Russian-speaking region of Donbas who he falsely claimed that "for eight years now, [had] been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime". Putin said that Russia sought the "demilitarisation and denazification" of Ukraine, and insisted Russia wouldn’t occupy any of Ukraine….all pure lies. He now says he intends to remove Ukraine from the map and Ukrainians from the gene pool.

It had absolutely nothing to do with NATO….NATO wasn’t considering giving Ukraine, Sweden, or Finland membership before the land grab invasions. You lackwit. If anything it was fear that Ukraine might join the EU….but really it was the loss of their installed Russian president that was beholding to the Kremlin, not any of the lame excuses they’ve made since.

You just love to rewrite history and always expect everyone else to be as ignorant of reality as yourself. Sadly for you, some people have memories longer than a methed out gnat and know why things happened, not just what the perpetrators of crimes say today that contradicts everything they said yesterday and before.
There’s no agreement to not expand NATO. Who told you that, Putin?

But has the actual history, or the nuclear treaty, or the ousting of the Russian planted president by the populace and installation of their chosen president (exactly what you hoped for with Trump on Jan 6 except instead of 2000 people it was the entire country performing a coup) been given on your fake propaganda websites? If so, you missed it all.


You win NOT.
The only Russian nonsense is Hill Clinton and the DNC which paid for the Steele Dossier and proven 100% BS .

But you, a foolish man has no idea of this reality because you watch slanted one sided "news"

Bakhmut has almost fallen -- and Russia is gaining ground. I'm not taking sides but facts are facts.

The question is WHY Russia entered Ukraine. Im sure that NATO breaking their agreement with Russia over last 40 years and entering into non NATO countries has a something to do with it.

But has that question been asked on your fake news outlet?


oh i won, you dipshit. youre a russian bootlicker and i confirmed it. case closed.

re: all the other shit dribbling out your mouth in that response... fook it. you think i give a damn one way or another? youre a habitual loser and pointing it out is all i really care about lololol

one month later!? hahaha you loser.


You win NOT.
The only Russian nonsense is Hill Clinton and the DNC which paid for the Steele Dossier and proven 100% BS .

But you, a foolish man has no idea of this reality because you watch slanted one sided "news"

Bakhmut has almost fallen -- and Russia is gaining ground. I'm not taking sides but facts are facts.

The question is WHY Russia entered Ukraine. Im sure that NATO breaking their agreement with Russia over last 40 years and entering into non NATO countries has a something to do with it.

But has that question been asked on your fake news outlet?


" russian bootlicker and i confirmed it. case closed."

How by what proof?

Im just watching what is going on.

You draw conclusion from you ass.

again How by what proof?


oh i won, you dipshit. youre a russian bootlicker and i confirmed it. case closed.

re: all the other shit dribbling out your mouth in that response... fook it. you think i give a damn one way or another? youre a habitual loser and pointing it out is all i really care about lololol

one month later!? hahaha you loser.


like Densantis digging his own grave against Disney... I just let you spout yer nonsense in public, then lean back and enjoy the free work. in the mirror... theres ya evidence, son.


How by what proof?


Skip ahead to 2:10 if you just want to hear the head of Wagner admit his troops are near being wiped out and out of ammo….


The end is near and Ukraine will lose to Russia.


even if true (its not) its been over one year into the war and that's your rallying cry?! after losing tens of thousands of orcs you got 1 city? a city that is now in complete ruins? hahahahahaha

bewb you loser-just like your garbage homeland. gonna get surrounded by NATO and sanctioned into nothingness. cant wait to see ruzzia get broken into pieces AGAIN. mess with the west and you lose! ruzzia too dumb to learn.


Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop


I understand your lack of understanding this war.

Maybe you should refrain from participating in this discussion.

Again you falsely think. I’m pro Russian. Your fake news brain is showing.

I’m just stating what is going on. Russia has about 1/3 of Ukraine

But that is not shown on cable news.


even if true (its not) its been over one year into the war and that's your rallying cry?! after losing tens of thousands of orcs you got 1 city? a city that is now in complete ruins? hahahahahaha

bewb you loser-just like your garbage homeland. gonna get surrounded by NATO and sanctioned into nothingness. cant wait to see ruzzia get broken into pieces AGAIN. mess with the west and you lose! ruzzia too dumb to learn.


I love triggering you orc tards

hey bewb since you know so much about this special military operation let's see your source for this quote lol

i got sources for anything i post. dew uuuu?

btw this is a reminder to you that NATO is winning and will continue to advance. umadbro? lololol


I’m just stating what is going on. Russia has about 1/3 of Ukraine

But that is not shown on cable news.


I wonder how it’s even possible for Russia to “win” even if they take 100% of Ukraine, which seems impossible itself. It looks far more likely they’re about to lose Crimea.

The stated reasoning was to stop Ukraine from entering the EU (and eventually NATO) to lower tensions along its border and create a buffer zone from the West. Also to stop the terrorist attacks they claimed would come from a free Ukraine.

Now, assuming it survives, Ukraine is guaranteed admission to both, and Sweden, Finland, and more to come. Russia is being hit with attacks daily on the homeland, and their army is decimated and economy destroyed.

I fail to see any way Russia comes out ahead no matter the end results, and the likely outcome will be further degradation of Russia and likely more states becoming independent, shrinking Russia and its influence once again.


I love triggering you orc tards…

btw this is a reminder to you that NATO is winning and will continue to advance. umadbro? lololol


my only thought is they can only "save face" at this point and it would require a regime change along with a dramatic shift in policy towards the west and profuse apologies. doubt that will happen so im fully prepared to live out my remaining life watching ruzzia become a giant failed pariah state. the west will beat them into submission again.


I wonder how it’s even possible for Russia to “win” even if they take 100% of Ukraine, which seems impossible itself. It looks far more likely they’re about to lose Crimea.


Or more succinctly….is potato.


my only thought is they can only "save face" at this point and it would require a regime change along with a dramatic shift in policy towards the west and profuse apologies. doubt that will happen so im fully prepared to live out my remaining life watching ruzzia become a giant failed pariah state. the west will beat them into submission again.


Russia has already lost territory in Ukraine they’ve held for years, and are about to (according to Wagner) abandon the front lines including Bakhmut on Wednesday because they have no ammo.
The Ukrainian counter assault hasn’t even started.
Crimea has been under attack, and Russia itself. The war has created the homeland danger it was supposed to be eliminating, but also destroyed Russia’s ability to defend itself! Lol.
It has also decimated an entire generation of Russian men and their economy, neither of which are likely to rebound.

Russia may not only lose all of Ukraine and Crimea, but also some of Russia proper. They will definitely lose international standing and a huge portion of gdp.

They have lost the war already….badly…and have absolutely zero chance of winning on the battlefield now that Ukraine has next gen weapons and training….they couldn’t win against non military citizens with bolt action rifles, how will they beat a well trained hardened military with M1 Abrams tanks, long range advanced mobile howitzers, anti tank/air missiles, 10000 well trained drone pilots, advanced air defenses, and the backing of NATO and the West?

I would absolutely support a >100 mile deep DMZ in Russia under Ukrainian and NATO control, and severe limitations on the Russian military limiting it to only defensive weapons and a minimal army. They will be lucky to get a deal that good if things continue.


Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop


Russia retreating on multiple fronts in Bakhmut. Not a tactical retreat, but Russian lines are dissolving as soldiers simply cut and run.
Lots of Wagner troops have pulled out, replaced by conscripted Russians regular army….they suck donkey balls as soldiers and don’t want to be there.
In one day they lost 5 sq km in Bakhmut.
Even Russia has admitted this.


Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop


How do you never tire of being so idiotically wrong constantly? It’s actually impressive you can continue when literally everything you claim falls apart, often before you can even type it.

Russian front lines in Bakhmut have collapsed.
Russian flanks have retreated.
Russian armor is in retreating out of Bakhmut.
Ukraine is hitting Russian command centers in far East Ukraine with new longer range next gen missiles…they have hundreds of them now in country. These can reach Crimea and Russia proper, maybe even Moscow.
In one day recently two Mi-8 helicopters, one Su-34 and one Su-35 have been confirmed to have been downed near Klintsy, Bryansk, Russia. That’s 4 high value aircraft all covered by multiple levels of electronic missile jamming technology deep inside Russia shot down, indicating clearly Russian air defense cannot protect against the class of weapons just delivered to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian counter offensive hasn’t even begun and Russia is already on the run. I fully support Ukraine taking 100 miles into Russia as a buffer zone, exactly like Russia wanted to use Ukraine. I think it’s a good possibility and I fully support arming and funding Ukrainian expansion as far as they want to go. I’m not alone. Russia may be ending….at best it’s retreating to third world status as an international pariah with few allies and a looming civil war.

One more prognostication made by you quickly turned to shit.
Russia won’t stop….losing.
You know exactly how that feels.

BTW- #walkaway is real this time, but people are walking away from the toxic party of death debauchery dishonesty and destruction...the party of insanity inconsistency immorality and inability…the MAGA right. 😂


Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop


You are constantly a fool.

I'm not taking sides. Just reporting what was going on then.

The fact that Russia is being pushed back is just that, another part of the war.


How do you never tire of being so idiotically wrong constantly? It’s actually impressive you can continue when literally everything you claim falls apart, often before you can even type it.

Russian front lines in Bakhmut have collapsed.
Russian flanks have retreated.
Russian armor is in retreating out of Bakhmut.
Ukraine is hitting Russian command centers in far East Ukraine with new longer range next gen missiles…they have hundreds of them now in country. These can reach Crimea and Russia proper, maybe even Moscow.
In one day recently two Mi-8 helicopters, one Su-34 and one Su-35 have been confirmed to have been downed near Klintsy, Bryansk, Russia. That’s 4 high value aircraft all covered by multiple levels of electronic missile jamming technology deep inside Russia shot down, indicating clearly Russian air defense cannot protect against the class of weapons just delivered to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian counter offensive hasn’t even begun and Russia is already on the run. I fully support Ukraine taking 100 miles into Russia as a buffer zone, exactly like Russia wanted to use Ukraine. I think it’s a good possibility and I fully support arming and funding Ukrainian expansion as far as they want to go. I’m not alone. Russia may be ending….at best it’s retreating to third world status as an international pariah with few allies and a looming civil war.

One more prognostication made by you quickly turned to shit.
Russia won’t stop….losing.
You know exactly how that feels.

BTW- #walkaway is real this time, but people are walking away from the toxic party of death debauchery dishonesty and destruction...the party of insanity inconsistency immorality and inability…the MAGA right. 😂


So sorry, I must have misunderstood you when you verbatim repeated Russian propaganda one week ago saying “ Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop” because I thought you were saying Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop, not “Russia says Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia but in reality it’s closer to 50% and they’re about to retreat”.
What you said one week ago was not true one week ago, or ever. It was Russian propaganda.
I hope you understand my confusion.

(Such a silly liar. Why are you embarrassed to admit you are rooting for Russia? It’s blatantly obvious.)


You are constantly a fool.

I'm not taking sides. Just reporting what was going on then.

The fact that Russia is being pushed back is just that, another part of the war.


Proven wrong again. This is getting too easy. Time and time again proven wrong. You and you side bitch @surfingyt
Not propaganda just facts.
You know when you seek not fake TV news and information you can actually learn. But that is too much for you. Stay in you narrow minded groove.

Granted they could be pushed back.
This started 9 months ago and was a key hold for Ukraine and now , for the moment lost.
heck even cnn claims Bakhmut has fallen, except for a small unimportant piece. Also their narrative has shifted to that is Bakhmut is not an important territory.


So sorry, I must have misunderstood you when you verbatim repeated Russian propaganda one week ago saying “ Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop” because I thought you were saying Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop, not “Russia says Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia but in reality it’s closer to 50% and they’re about to retreat”.
What you said one week ago was not true one week ago, or ever. It was Russian propaganda.
I hope you understand my confusion.
🤦‍♂️ 😂

(Such a silly liar. Why are you embarrassed to admit you are rooting for Russia? It’s blatantly obvious.)


You stupid stupid man that roots for Russia and against democracy consistently. You think you can just repeat Russian propaganda, flatly deny reporting from any non Russian sources, and still convince someone you haven’t clearly taken sides, choosing Russia over democracy?

“Proven wrong”?!? ROTFLMFAHS!!! Please, if you think you can, explain exactly what I’ve said that’s been “proven wrong”. (Hint- Saying “Russia said so” actually proves me right). Be precise, not just generalizations…make sure you quote me, don’t intentionally incorrectly paraphrase what I said. I KNOW YOU WON’T EVEN TRY, you are just a dishonest coward whining.

Every legitimate source is reporting major advancements by Ukraine, retaking much of Bakhmut and the surrounding areas and establishing supply lines, Russian lines are falling, supply lines failing, and Russia is in a major retreat.
The only places you hear any hint Russia isn’t on the ropes is directly from Russia, no where else.
You get your pure Russian internet propaganda “news” from sources like “weeb nation” and other incels in mom’s basement and think it’s real?!? 😂 I guess you’ve forgotten how many times you repeated the Russian claims and claimed they had already taken Bakhmut, only to be proven wrong every time. You simply are incapable of learning, which must be why your English skills don’t exceed a poor 3rd grade student’s.

Even far right anti Biden CNN says this is only unverified Russian propaganda directly from repeated liar Prigozhin that has claimed to have taken Bakhmut more than a few times now (every time you buy it) and Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said Ukrainian troops were still “holding the defense” in a district on Bakhmut’s western-most edge.
“As of now, our defenders control certain industrial and infrastructure facilities in the area and the private sector,” she said.
I guess Prigozhin was lying about having taken the city, then about having no ammunition, about Wagner fleeing Bakhmut (on film), and about Russian regulars dropping their guns and fleeing the front lines just last week? But now he’s telling the truth….I see.

Admittedly not the city captured then 🤦‍♂️, Likely not any actual Russian advancements, only a change by saying the Ukrainian held parts are “unimportant”…and it’s certainly not an unimportant piece of the city as Russia is suddenly changing their narrative to indicate, the opposing army having a well defended stronghold in “your” city is hardly unimportant. Ukrainian territory is not shrinking but expanding and displacing Russians.
Ukrainian capabilities have increased by multiple generations of weaponry in the last few months, now capable of shooting down even hypersonic missiles, aircraft deep in Russia, even of getting Russia to shoot its own aircraft and soldiers. Russian capabilities are near nil, no new weaponry to bring to the front, only 50+ year old mothballed WW2 equipment no one has training with.

Russians are fleeing Crimea because it’s so clear it’s likely to be retaken soon.

COVID’s not real, the economy won’t suffer, Trump won the election, Jan 6 was a coup by BLM, Russia is winning in Ukraine. Your list of insanity grows daily, fool. Keep spreading Russian propaganda, it helps us identify it.

I’m actually glad you say this, because your reporting of facts and prognostication are so diametrically opposed to reality that your assertion that Russia is winning is real evidence they are losing.

“Side bitch”? Lol. Because we agree on some things?!? Um…..ok. I think he’s going to take issue with being declared my “side bitch”, right @surfingyt? I definitely don’t think of him (I assume) as some subordinate…just a fellow sifter with a brain.
At least I don’t have to create sock puppet accounts to have someone agree with me like you. 🤦‍♂️


Proven wrong again. This is getting too easy. Time and time again proven wrong. You and you side bitch @surfingyt
Not propaganda just facts.
You know when you seek not fake TV news and information you can actually learn. But that is too much for you. Stay in you narrow minded groove.

Granted they could be pushed back.
This started 9 months ago and was a key hold for Ukraine and now , for the moment lost.
heck even cnn claims Bakhmut has fallen, except for a small unimportant piece. Also their narrative has shifted to that is Bakhmut is not an important territory.

newtboyjokingly says...

What an embarrassing thread this would be for him if he had any self respect.


This made my day-I knew I was getting under your skin! You impotent little man, you're too easy to play with. LOLLOL


Yes, yes you have been proven wrong again. You might reconsider taking the word of the Russian military as a given. They only lie.

What happened was ONE line in the city advanced for the Russians about 500 yards, while multiple, nearly all others retreated the same distance or more, some by kilometers. Russians have abandoned the outskirts, concentrating their forces in the rubble of the city, but are nearly completely surrounded by the Ukrainian army, and Ukrainians still hold the 15% they’ve held for weeks. Wagner just declared that part unimportant and declared they had the city, without actually taking more of the city. You bought it, like you always buy anti democracy propaganda…Every. Single. Time.

Yes, you have been proven wrong again. It clearly triggered you, enough to try the idiotic ploy of just repeating Russian propaganda as fact. 😂
Everything from you in this thread, and the video itself, are direct regurgitation of pure Russian propaganda.

Such a silly boy. You have again failed current events class.

Also unconfirmed, but these reports have almost always been eventually confirmed by multiple reputable sources, while Wagner reports have nearly all been quickly debunked as pure propaganda and misinformation.


Proven wrong again.

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