Why do Atheists Care? One man's thoughts


I don't believe in a God, either - but the guy who made this could've put a little more "care" into it.

1. What's with the porno background music?
2. There's a lot more to rejecting the supernatural than just harping on those who do believe in it.


*powerUP vote!!

sometimes i think atheists care and know more about religion than the religious themselves!!

it took years for me to 'come out' as an atheist and i will never forget this conversation i had at work when i divulged this morsel of information to a coworker ... he said, "but you're so nice!?!" i almost pee'd my pants!!


50 is excessive, I think 10 is a good number. But it should only be for Publish videos. And a once in a video lifetime Powervote, one can't powervote one video over and over.


This country was founded on fundemental christian principals. Why would you take that away from 92% of the U.S. population. We still live in a democracy and the majority rules. You may not believe in God but do atheists want those with religeous belifs to give that up just to please a small group? Why are atheists so intristed in religeon anyway? I'd think they would want to seperate themselves from it.


Yeah Gorgonheap that's fine to say and do in our time, but you must remember why the founding fathers stipulated the seperation between Church and state. Pilgrims fled religious persecution in the East Midlands of England to form the American Colonies. The founding fathers knew that the union of Church and State would mean divison among a diverse population, and leading to internal strife, or similar persecution faced by Pilgrims. Already now we see that emerging, issues where lines are being drawn between pro-life or pro-choice, left or right, democrat or republican.

Furthermore the serperation of church and state and the respect towards all religions that the American consitituion shows is a beneficial effect. Allowing millions of people to immgrate to the US and start anew, and being able to practice whatever faith they may hold. Religion and state power rarely work well together there are countless examples to attest to that. Furthermore with the dilution of population, fallout in church attendence and the emergence of new wave relgions, I dobut it's 92%.

Am sure that if the religion was not your own, or say Jewish or something other your support would not be the same.


looks like farhad2000 unfortunately made the same mistake so many others have made....listening to the idiot media gatekeepers. the founding fathers did not make any such statement concerning 'separation of church state' in any official documentation. It was the result of "an inference made from a letter [President Thomas] Jefferson sent to the Danbury Connecticut Baptist Association on January 1, 1802." President Jefferson was responding to a letter written by the Danbury Baptist Association expressing concern about individual religious liberty and its place in the new nation at the time Jefferson's presidency was being initiated.

perhaps a better argument would be to mention the first amendment's establishment clause.

as for this video...i found it shallow and pedantic. mostly whining really.



"shallow and pedantic"
Made me think of the Family Guy episode... Petarded I believe.

"Why would you take that away from 92% of the U.S. population. We still live in a democracy and the majority rules."
The oppression of the majority ehh? Great logic, the signing of the constitution by many of the states was based on the belief that this would not happen, go read The Federalist essays, I'm not sure but #51 may pertain to interest groups not becoming too strong.

Most of the religious stuff that is in our society today was created in the cold war because "Communists can't say Under god!" or for some reason they would have trouble comprehending our currency... It's ridiculous.

I don't really care about the "under god" that many kids are being forced to say day in and day out, it's just false discourse, but oppressing individuals from public office, the boy scouts, and the countless other doors that are closed due to personal beliefs is redunculous.


Hmmmm..? Seems ta me like organized religions in countries that have indoor amenities, fundamentalist or otherwise, are always more tolerable when the practitioners keep their tunnel realities to themselves, behind the doors and minds of their places of worship.(Jesus pointed out the vanity of the pharisees, and their caterwallin' in public). Here in the US we are reaping the benefits of the freedoms this country provides and the irritating and sometimes dangerous results of mob-rule fervor-like Jehovas witnesses coming to my door with not just their proseletizing, but the idiocy they espew.
Atheism and any-ism, if you let your mind go the way of the skit-zo-phreeniac, is just as bad a tunnel as radical islam or fer crissakes, a freak like Tom Cruise and his spin on Hubbard's tunnel.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men are created equal, is good enough for a start, and if the world ever gets so bad that I can't tell you and yours to piss off and get the fuck off my property without being sent to some compound, then hell.
And for the atheists out there, to be sure of anything is to declare yourself an idiot, in any realm deserving of critical thought, anyting ess possible, including a benevelent omni-being.
Now, back to the bong, this video insults and bores.


I know at least one christian fundie that "espew" idiocy. You must of missed Richard Dawkins piece "The Root of all Evil" where he points out christian mobs, or which I sometimes refer to as Mass on Sunday. If that "mass" term is wrong, please let me know. Being ignorant isn't a cornerstone of atheism.


"...to be sure of anything is to declare yourself an idiot, in any realm deserving of critical thought, anyting ess possible..."
You are sure that it is imposable to determine a truth in critical thought... Are you declaring yourself as an idiot?

Agnosticism and Catholicism are fine and all when the preachers arn't on their high horse.

"Jesus pointed out the vanity of the pharisees, and their caterwallin' in public"
Do you forget that Catholics and the religious right are the ones that promote their political views with the most fervour on the public sector via legislation or attempted legislation. Gay marriage, abortion... When there isn't a state religion under your logic the US would be a better place if all religion and beliefs would be behind closed doors which obviously isn't the SQ.. The vid provides many examples of how this is true.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men are created equal, is good enough for a start, and if the world ever gets so bad that I can't tell you and yours to piss off and get the fuck off my property without being sent to some compound, then hell."
There are many examples, historical and modern, where institutionalized religion destroys the concept of "all men are created equal". This is already seen as Atheists are persecuted as being mass murderers, substandard citizens, and all that garbage by those who strongly advocate religion.


Interesting how the guy seeks to critisize religion, and then brings up points that really just critisize the religious. The argument of why attack theism still stands. What he should do, which is what I also do as a Christian, is to take issue with the abuses that are done in the name of religion.. Each of the following arguments are issues he has on the application of religion, not issues with God himself.

1. Boy Scouts limiting entry to theists only.
2. Blue Laws (after the advent of Christ, the legalism of the Sabath was done away with so I would agree with the narrator, that this is inappropriate)
3. Fanatics killing people in the name of religion (a abhorant evil that is made even worse by the fact it is done in God's name)

He goes on to say that the country was not founded Christian. Not sure why that means Atheists can feel right in attacking religion.


tgeffeney: The video was in response to why should an atheist care about religion. He never stated he was out to critise religion. In fact, the suggestion is that he *was* in fact out to critisize the religious because most atheists (like myself) don't give a **** what other people want to believe as long as it does not encroach on the rights or beliefs of others.

Just because the religious (more specifically Christian) are in the majority, doesn't make oppression of any other group right.

We have a multi-cultural society in the UK, where the idea is that everyone has the right to bring their own celiefs and culture here and share it openly. Then the country's culture as a whole is improved and expanded. This hasn't worked very well but our politicians aren't saying that certain groups don't deserve to be citizens...


Time for another Rush Limbaugh profundity:

"For all this talk about how (the church) needs to moderate it's tone - how they must do this and must do that to satisfy the demands of the secularist left. Well - try saying - "you secularists need to moderate YOUR tone a little." Blasphemy! They will not even consider it! And they're not a religion - but they think of themselves as such. And so the Pope is a threat to them, whoever he is. Because to them he's nothing more than a judge - a supreme court justice whose word is final and they can't touch it or do anything about it. And so they illustrate by virtue of their fears exactly what their own philosophies have constructed."

"You secularists think you've got it bad with civil liberties now? Let me tell you something: If you hate Christmas, you win. If you don't like nativity scenes, you win. If you think perversion should be legalized and aculturated, you win.

You don't talk to be about civil liberties! Because civil liberties are on the loss on the side of right, decency and morality. We're losing all of that under the guise of civil liberties! And it's not coming from the Right or from G.W. Bush, it's coming from people like you on the left who don't like the fact that you're in the minority. You don't like the fact that there's a majority - you call that TYRANNY. And so you want to inflict your minority viewpoint on everyone else and you wind up destroying genuine civil liberties! You namby-pamby leftist have no idea what the loss of civil liberties is, you're out there making stuff up and demanding the loss of real civil liberties! People can't smoke where they want to anymore! New York is passing laws to tell restaurants what oil the can and can't use to cook with! Eminent domain - if some government official thinks he can make tax revenue using your property he can sieze it from arbitrarily! We've got leftists and secularists looking at the constitution and seeing things in it that aren't written there, and seeing things that are written and saying the founding fathers didn't 'mean' it! The 'right' to an abortion! You want to talk about civil liberties? Try being a baby in the womb of a leftist, what are your odds?"


"This country was founded on fundemental [sic] christian [sic] principals [sic]. Why would you take that away from 92% of the U.S. population[?] We still live in a democracy and the majority rules. You may not believe in God[,] but do atheists want those with religeous [sic] belifs [sic] to give that up just to please a small group? Why are atheists so intristed [sic] in religeon [sic] anyway? I'd think they would want to seperate [sic] themselves from it."


We should cater to the majority -- great idea gorgonheap! Hey, most Americans are white, so why don't we separate water fountains, bathrooms, restaurants -- heck, and schools too -- by race? Hey, I know! Let's put "White Only" and "Colored Only" above all the aforementioned establishments. Wow, I think we really have something here, gorgonheap. Let's contact our representatives and get this going!

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