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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops…again…True The Vote, the main “source” for the fantasy film 2000 mules, admitted in court they have absolutely no evidence of anything they claimed in the movie or elsewhere, and don’t even know the identity of their own “anonymous source” that never provided any documentation for his/her alleged allegations that they claimed to have in the film….if they exist at all.

In short, we made it up…or our idiot drunk uncle did… and we ran with it. Your fault if you believed us, suckers. Thanks for buying out entire empty theaters to promote and support our film. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol….”creep”! Love it. 😂

Putin’s “Leftist talking points”! LOL!!! Not according to Russia. They gave their reasons for invasion at the time, NATO expanding was not among them. 😂

Bwaaahahaha!!! Putin was turned down by NATO?!? Citation please!
Russia walked from even negotiations with NATO in 2015. When do you say Putin asked to join…please provide a video of his speech requesting admission. Doesn’t exist because it didn’t happen. You bought and repeated ANOTHER stupid lie.

NATO was created to protect Western European countries from the Soviet Union expanding into their territories, not to fight communism but USSR expansionism. Russian expansionism is still a threat, and you don’t start a “No Homers” club then admit Homer because he changed his hairstyle…meaning you don’t form an alliance to protect against Russia then admit Russia as a lead member.
Btw- Putin has expressed interest in returning to communist socialist Russia and retaking all satellite nations.

PS- your broken English once again betrays your foreign nationality, “Guess America need an enemy for feed the military industrial complex.” is not a fractured English sentence fragment an American would say and denotes an alien sentence structure in your native tongue. 😂

PS- to debunk your Russian propaganda that NATO agreed to not expand….

And what I can find about Putin wanting in NATO is according to him he once floated the idea offhand to Clinton but only if Russia was admitted immediately without waiting in line, meeting basic requirements, paying, or having an acceptance vote, and only if Russia gets the same full power as America without contributing the same amount…not a true, serious, or in any way official application to join. He was not “turned down”, in fact Clinton publicly said he wouldn’t object to Russia entering NATO, but they never applied. It’s propaganda for ignorami, Sucker.

This stuff you spout is simple to debunk in seconds, and is mostly pure Russian propaganda straight from Sputnik. You should really look into your nonsense before spewing it into the ether like a drunk puppet in Team America. If only you cared that you look like an idiotic knownothing anti democracy anti American nutjob cultist, but clearly that doesn’t bother you.

Here’s a nightcap for you…Trump’s “security” rushing righty media away from his event when protesters start chanting “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!” 😂

bobknight33 said:

Has everything to do with NATO creep.

As usual you are just using leftest talking points.

NATO was created to keep Communist Russia in check. Russia is no longer Communist.

Also Putin asked to be enter into NATO but was turned down. -- Guess America need an enemy for feed the military industrial complex.

Child dragged by school bus in Kentucky

newtboy jokingly says...

$5 MIL!!! I’m going back to school! I got nothing for being kicked down the bus stairs, or intentionally dumped at the wrong stop, or after driving through a flood to the flooded school after a hurricane with water all the way up the bus steps, or that time the driver was drunk and got fired. Things sure are different than in the 70’s.

Seatbelts? We don’t have no seatbelts. We don’t need no seatbelts! WE DON’T HAVE TO SHOW YOU ANY STINKING SEATBELTS!

BSR said:

If the bus driver had to slam on the brakes the guy standing in the aisle would probably go through windshield. To hell with seatbelts!

Also, Family of girl dragged by JCPS school bus gets nearly $5M in settlement. Bazinga!

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Oops…did I trigger someone with my opinion? I didn’t know my opinion means so much to you. 😂
god forbid someone doesn’t love your new anti tax anti assistance “where’s my assistance?” fat people fat shaming fat people MAGA anthem.

I just looked up who he is, a drunkard and high school drop out now complaining he’s not very successful, and looked at the crowd, 99.99% white MAGgots, and read the lyrics, which are easy to read/hear as racist, pro-incel, and anti government, blaming politicians for his low wages not his boss…blaming taxes for his lack of cash, not the $7 a hour minimum wage.

If he’s so popular among minorities as you claim, why were they not present at his concert? Are just his fans racist? Possible. The line “people like me and people like you” sung to pure white crowds has a definitive racist feel, and your denials are meaningless…you said the Charlottesville rioters weren’t racists. It’s less about what he thought when he wrote it (if he in fact did, there’s accusations it was written by conservative operatives, but no evidence of that) and it’s more about what his audience hears…and I’m pretty sure what the conservative lily white crowd he’s playing to hears.

You found a few “blacks for Trump” who like it. Ok. You think that makes it less a racist anthem? 😂 that’s fine, it convinces you. You’ve never seen racism you believed existed…except racism against whites, you’ve complained that that’s a major problem. 😂 Do you honestly believe that all black people are going to love this conservative country song? You probably do, you are that delusional.

“ It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you”. Who are those people, because the people in his crowd are all just one type of people. White middle class conservative and middle aged.

Or a pedophilic anthem?
“ I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere”
Really, he’s complaining the government (eventually) stopped Epstein’s pedophile island but only spent $850 million on welfare programs specifically supporting coal communities since Covid!?…,%2C%20and%20re%2

An obese man complaining that fat people get food assistance while complaining about people starving in the street is the height of hypocrisy and ridiculousness. The solution isn’t to starve the obese, it’s to feed everyone…but that’s not his solution. To him, only some people deserve assistance….you can guess which ones.

Go ahead, love the song. It fits you. Understand it wouldn’t have ever charted if your political leaders like Walsh and Greene hadn’t told you to love it, made it a “conservative anthem” (their words). It’s not a great song, it’s a politically motivated whine about stupidity by an uneducated drunk. Before MTG and others started hyping him, he had barely a few hundred followers…his success is not “natural”, it’s a political move.

I hate the Bob Dylan quality it has, never liked him one bit.

The best part is, the right has forgotten… who is the richest man north of Richmond? Hint, he moved to Florida in 2021, but wants to move back north of Richmond. If this song isn’t a pure conservative whine fest, it’s definitely 100% anti Trump…so which is it @bobknight33?

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

What a diverse crowd of middle age white fat Christian people he attracts.
I bet they think taxes should pay for their church events, not feeding the poor.
Look close, I see nothing else in that crowd but dumb overweight drunken white people. This is what you want America to be, it makes you so happy seeing all those beaming angry white faces together without any disgusting minorities dirtying it up, doesn’t it?

No surprise a racist drunk singing about how (too far left) Jebus is good and government/taxes are bad picked up by the extreme right at the top (who themselves are all rich men north of Richmond) and fed to you as an anthem gets lots of views. It doesn’t make it good music or a decent message, it’s just more MAGA whining that everything doesn’t go your way….waaah! A good whine attracts MAGA like moths to a flame by the millions.

BTW- BTS got 108 MILLION views in 24 hours since you think 27m views in 11 days is outstanding….for a right wing “artist” it is, for normal pop singers, it’s a fail.


bobknight33 said:

His vid has 27 M views in 11 days - outstanding

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

(Oops, meant to quote, not profile page this)
ROTFLMFAHS!! Hunter Biden stupidity again! LOSER! You dumbshits just refuse to learn…he admits smoking crack and sleeping with hookers….(Trump always pays for sex using company money, I would think you might applaud Hunter following his lead)….he’s a private citizen…nobody cares. Rapist Trump’s dead brother who the entire family intentionally let die alone was a drunk racist…do you care?

Because it’s all about getting to show that revenge porn against and talk shit about a private citizen, and absolutely nothing else…because you’ve got nothing else. Even disgracing the walls of congress by shoving it down throats in a live broadcast hearing in your undignified desperation when you can’t tweet it out. 😂

Funny how family is only off limits when it’s a republican’s family that’s actually part of their administration, making policy and negotiating on the government’s behalf and getting tens of millions to literally multiple billions in payoffs from hostile countries while they do it…but not when they’re private citizens. 🤦‍♂️

And somehow you think this nonsense impugns Dark Brandon’s character….he won’t even notice your little self deprecating circus, he’s too busy crushing it hard and deep on every front to care what the completely out of control nutjob that believes in every Qspiracy is screaming on the street corner in her tin foil hat…and that’s who you’re standing behind here. This only looks bad for you…seems outrageously desperate. Hunter Biden doesn’t hold office and is a different person than his father, and overcoming a severe drug problem is something to be proud of. 😂

You are so stupid you think these baseless and meaningless screeched accusations by the mastermind “Jew laser” “There’s nothing wrong with asking for election fraud” Manly Traitor over there makes your team “right” and Joe somehow “wrong” despite your cult leader being a convicted rapist (forcefully penetrating another with your body is rape, and he was convicted of forceful penetration of a woman with his body part), child abuser (admitted on air to buying Miss Teen USA to forcefully leer at naked YOUNG (14 year old) girls), employee sex abuser (admitted on air he bought Miss USA and Miss Universe to force contestants to sleep with him), traitor, convicted fraud, charity fraud, admitted racist (willingly paid millions for his redlining), and under or nearing 7-8 indictments for hundreds of counts of various treasonous activities. 😂 😂

And since you say religion is real not silly superstition…the very personification of the 7 deadly sins, (to remind your tiny religious brain, those are) (1) vainglory, or pride, (2) greed, or covetousness, (3) lust, or illicit sexual desire, (4) envy, (5) gluttony, (6) wrath, or anger, and (7) sloth. Double check on every box and triple check a few.

You don’t even understand this performance is just for you and your fellow cultists, nobody else cares or pays attention to the tin foil hat brigade with their poster boards of naked men they absolutely insisted children see. Groomers.

You say prosecuting the well documented, numerous and ongoing treasonous crimes of a disgraced ex president is pure politics and should be tossed out as a nothingburger without seeing the evidence, but the alleged minor crimes of a president’s relative well beyond all statutes of limitations…that’s vitally important to government function not politically motivated attacks against a family member, also known as weaponization of the federal government!
You people are such jokes! Keep ‘em coming. Best laugh all day, and I found out it’s not slander or libel to say Trump is a rapist today because he officially is one. 😂

bobknight33 said:

MTG Showing revenge porn.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No sir. I don’t even live in a city…but fools like you are absolutely the reason red states are shithole states, with much worse statistics than cities, (which are nearly all Democratically led so the ploy to say “Democrat led cities are “x”” is transparent), and Republican led cities are usually worse per capita by most measures….just smaller.. Per capita, red states are worse for crime both with and without guns than cities. What is it about Republican leadership that causes such high crime?
For instance, Ohio state, with Republican governor, sec of state, AG, house and senate and Gym Jordan looking out for it has MUCH HIGHER violent crime rates than NYC or NYState with Democratic led governments and diverse populations….but Gym went to NYC to investigate crime, fuck Ohio.
“ Ohio's statewide homicide rate is 49% higher than New York City's overall rate of 5.8 homicide deaths per 100,000 residents, Ohio's homicide rate is also 87% higher than New York's statewide rate of 4.6 homicides per 100,000 residents.”

Er mer gerd….lack of morality? Name the Democrat led city that is trying to make sex with 12 year olds legal. Republicans are.

Only in your delusional little brainwashed mind is it worse today than in the early 90’s. Crime statistics ( ), economic statistics, the only thing getting worse is life expectancy thanks to Trumps total failure to address Covid and a million dead before their time, but it’s going back up under Biden. I know…but daddy Trump said crime is at an all time high…and you just keep on believing his lies instead of checking obvious statistics even you could understand. Crime rates are 1/2 - 1/4 what it was in 1990.

Democrats are for every citizen’s equality under the law, not “for the black man”. I understand that concept is so foreign to you that you can’t grasp it at all. I believe minorities would disagree with you about being better under Democrats and voting statistics bear that out conclusively. Funny enough, the blatant racist right continues to tell minorities “you’re just too stupid to understand you should vote with us so you shouldn’t get to vote at all”….then can’t fathom why minorities think you don’t respect or care about them or their rights. 🤦‍♂️

Biden has done amazing so far, positive gdp, single digit unemployment, covid under control, deficit significantly down, and wow…2 full years without an impeachment or 3 dozen cabinet members in prison. How did he do that?!? Without even his own “Pravda” to tell his cultists what to believe…holy shit!
He’s not even my choice of Democrats, but he’s done fine….even you admit everything’s going well, you just insist tomorrow it will turn to shit…always a day away but never here.
Why couldn’t those behind Trump prop him up and run the country? He gave them trillions while claiming poverty when it came to helping starving children or destitute families or infrastructure, but they couldn’t help HIM run the country!?! WTF!?!
His entire presidency was demented racist grandpa and his drunk buddies seeing what they could get away with…and it’s coming home to roost. Enjoy.

Ivermectin is dewormer/anti parasitic. Covid is not a worm or other parasite. The human version (used for head lice) sold out immediately after some fuckwit claimed it worked on a virus, it doesn’t, not even a little. Your ilk said ivermectin for humans is the same as horse dewormer, it’s fine to just use that….and you morons did even though it has zero effect on covid and serious side effects and some died. Same for hydroxychloroquine, zero benefit major side effects including death. You said “it’s good medicine, use that not evil Democrat vaccination”. Derp.

You fuckwit. That’s the opposite of reality. Countries that locked down like Taiwan and New Zealand had exponentially fewer cases and reopened much sooner so less economic damage too. You just HAVE to be wrong on every point, why is that?

Lol….you moron. I guess you forgot you eventually admitted to SELLING all your Tesla…or claimed you had sold it all to avoid ridicule for losing your shirt. During the time you would have sold out if you did, you were still telling others to buy all in, every penny, and don’t worry that it drops another 50%, just hold it forever like ENRON and it will all be roses. It clearly was an AWFUL time to buy Tesla, even you knew it would fall much farther, and it continues to get worse. You can’t keep your lies straight….is it always a great buy, or did you sell all yours? Can’t have both.

Lol. Yes you did, repeated it for months, tried to point to one individual who had once reported on BLM as a leader orchestrating it until his true politics became public, then you slunk off to your cave to await the next nonsense lie.
Now you glommed onto this nonsense that some singular proud boy is really, secretly, off all books and with no immunity or protection, an FBI agent (with no evidence) and he, alone, caused thousands of totally peaceful non insurrectionist Trumpists to storm the capitol against their will and better judgement, and those weapons just materialized in their hands using secret CIA transporters, the gallows they brought was a hologram, and the “where’s Nancy. Hang Mike Pence” chanting was edited in after the fact by lefties. 🤦‍♂️
So far to date there have according to you been 50 such accusations by insurrectionist defendants (I’ve only heard the one, but you know your MO- say ANYTHING and see what isn’t immediately debunked then go with that), but zero evidence of a single government infiltrator egging anyone into violence or criminal acts. This “we now know” preface doesn’t mean they know anything, it means they hope one of 12 is ignorant enough to believe the fantasy and deadlock.
If there was a scintilla of evidence that 50 FBI agents were in the capitol instigating the riotous coup that would be such news they would interrupt regular programming on every channel for it, but it’s not even reported outside fantasy land because it’s absolutely ridiculous and there’s zero evidence, just pure fantastical supposition as a Hail Mary defense by those already convicted and their cohorts about to be…but you don’t worry about that, someone blamed “not MAGA” so you’re just going with that as fact, but absolutely won’t be looking into the truthfulness of these defendants (some of which pleaded guilty to insurrection). You think this kind of information is an exclusive by this no name internet troll? Why isn’t it everywhere? I’ll tell you, because it’s ridiculous nonsense made up by failing defendants to excuse their violent failed coup.
At best you have some overwhelmed police that instead of taking on a violent crowd at 40-1 odds stood back and let the insurrectionists that had already violently forced their way into the building severely injuring many officers walk by. That’s not instigating. The lie about the FBI being involved is just that, another lie you’ll deny saying in two weeks like your original “it’s BLM and ANTIFA pretending to be Trumpists”.…or more likely just go silent on and refuse to address it like the subhuman Traitor Ashley Babbitt that got what you all deserve. If there were agents instigating, do you really believe that footage wouldn’t have been the first footage Carlson presented? 🤦‍♂️

Ashley Babbitt wasn’t a person. I’ve seen her. If demons are real, she’s example #1. That troglodyte and the rest of us are better off with her dead. I only lament that 2000 of her subhuman cohorts didn’t get some cold hard reciprocity themselves.

5 police died from injuries sustained that day, not died ON that day. 160 were hospitalized, many long term. Hundreds quit afterwards.

bobknight33 said:

you are the reason for such shitty Democrat run cities

America is worse off today than few decades ago-

Blacks have not gotten better …

Biden is …running the country.

Horse dewormer …is also for human consumption.

Covid was made worse than it truly was by media and locking down cities and such was the wrong thing to do.

TESLA is always to good time to buy.

[J]an 6 was a false flag by BLM and ANTIFA not a failed coup

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes….so does the law. 45+ year old Republican men taking underaged girls you supervise to your home late at night to get them drunk for sex….unethical, immoral, and absolutely illegal. A man wearing a dress and makeup to do comedy, not only not criminal but who the fuck cares?
I can’t wait for the next step, making it illegal for women to wear pants. Those transvestite cross dressing women need to be put in their place. 🤦‍♂️

Not a good thing. A cowardly, self denial thing. The reason republicans are so terrified of transexuals is they are uncontrollably attracted to them but know their friends will ridicule and ostracize them if they are discovered. Joseph’s brothers were jealous of his feminine beauty, not afraid he would sexualize their children.

Both are wrong? Sure…one is a non sexual comedy show for children, the other attempted rape of a child using drugs….to you, equally bad and wrong because you are afraid of those sexy sexy trannies. 🤦‍♂️

In case you aren’t aware, the Bible has transvestites that are considered good people in positions of power, like Joseph…that technicolor dream coat was a bridal dress of the time, his appearance described in feminine terms, he was not just a transvestite, but a transsexual who’s sex was changed in the womb…by god. Lots of child rape too, so much that there’s even child rape BY CHILDREN OF ADULTS! Anything you imagine about drag shows is right there in the Bible, but not in drag shows. But do you want it banned? Of course not, because you don’t really care about anything you whine about.
Also, in case you aren’t aware, there are multiple popular television shows about drag shows on basic cable, so I assume all republicans cancelled their cable? Of course not, that would require some sacrifice to get your way, something your ilk can’t fathom. You only act when it hurts the others but not you.

Nice job ignoring the republicans pulling 100% of funding to libraries out of pure spite because information is just for liberals and most republicans today can’t read anyway. That’s why book banning didn’t even register to you. You find banning information you dislike normal and acceptable, just like you support spreading lies you enjoy. Snowflake, stay in your safe space and leave the outside to adults.

99% of drag shows are non sexual.
No real statistics show trans people molesting children at a higher level than average men. In fact I believe the sex assault rate from the trans community is almost certainly lower than the population, but the frequency of trans people being sexually assaulted is 4 times the average. They’re the victims, not perpetrators.

Churches, on the other hand, are factories for child mollestation. Hundreds to thousands of separate victims per parish, tens of thousands to millions of mollestations. There is no group more likely to be molesters and rapists of children than clergy….NONE.

But you don’t even consider pulling children from these mollestation cabals because you know you don’t care about children being molested, you care about labeling your political enemies child molesters and hide and ignore the majority that are your “team” despite the facts.

bobknight33 said:

So you are saying 1 is a crime and the other shouldn't be.

Both are wrong.
banning all-ages drag shows is a good thing.

Girl Demands To Be Arrested When Her Best Friend Gets an OWI

newtboy says...

While I agree about not trusting police, I posted many of those videos btw, she wasn’t concerned that something untoward would happen to her friend that she was somehow going to prevent, imo. Those police were being quite professional. She wasn’t going to even see her after their arrest, so they said.
She was drunk and got a crazy idea she wouldn’t let go of is what I saw. She’s definitely not used to hearing “no”.

My argument is people should get the same response male or female, black, white, or green, and that any non white female acting like she was wouldn’t be likely to get off so easily and near consequence free.
Do I think she needed prison for this behavior, no, but do I think she needs 20 hours of community service or probation instead of a small fine daddy will pay, yes. I knew kids that got much much worse than that for just simple alcohol possession/drunkenness as a minor. In Cali when I was a teen they took your license until you were at least 21 for any underage drinking, even if you weren’t driving.
I think in a fair world she would be made to understand she has to live by the same laws we all do by having some consequence, not to expect to get special treatment because she’s (apparently) rich, white, and cute….but I understand that’s unrealistic to expect.

The driver needs some jail time if I understand correctly and she was driving recklessly at what ended up being a .20% bac. That’s sloshed.

Hef said:

Um... what!?
Best I can tell, this young person was just concerned for the wellbeing of her friend, and given the number of videos that we see on the Sift of cops showing that they absolutely cannot be trusted, I think that's fair enough.

If your argument is that it's wrong that her boyfriend would probably get much worse treatment for the same behaviour, then you've phrased it really strangely, but I agree; we need fewer people caught up in the justice system for minor stuff, not more, regardless of gender or race.

Good on the cops in this case for getting the balance right and only charging the idiot who got drunk and endangered others by getting behind the wheel.

Girl Demands To Be Arrested When Her Best Friend Gets an OWI

Hef says...

Um... what!?
Best I can tell, this young person was just concerned for the wellbeing of her friend, and given the number of videos that we see on the Sift of cops showing that they absolutely cannot be trusted, I think that's fair enough.

If your argument is that it's wrong that her boyfriend would probably get much worse treatment for the same behaviour, then you've phrased it really strangely, but I agree; we need fewer people caught up in the justice system for minor stuff, not more, regardless of gender or race.

Good on the cops in this case for getting the balance right and only charging the idiot who got drunk and endangered others by getting behind the wheel.

newtboy said:

All that…public drunkenness as a minor, obstructing, disturbing the peace, disorderly conducts, ignoring a lawful order, and identity theft (technically)/using another person’s ID…and it took 15 minutes to finally decide to arrest her and then she got ONE charge that was DROPPED! Holy shit, white girl privilege is STRONG. Her boyfriend would be denied bail if he acted that way, and likely get an assaulting a police officer charge added for fun. *wtf

Dumbest Criminals On Earth

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

luxintenebris jokingly says...

but then...

- Jan. 6 investigations
- stolen state secrets
- nefarious voting legislation
- Oath Keepers membership list

...all of those are BIG stories too.

covering all the Republican corruption sprees, is a bit like trying to get through a russian novel in a week.

the moment the pre-release of the Planned Parenthood v. Casey judgement BOTH sides of the political spectrum questioned if it was a conservative judge that did it. made FAR more sense that it would come from the right than the left. (notice how the investigation has seemly gone the way of the term WMD?)


incredibly creditable.

(unless you're 'right' minded. then you can't believe a man of the cloth. but then, even Jesus* hung around w/a motley crew.)

we might be weeks away from Blotto Biff being found, drunk, in a fountain w/a staffer and/or Coat hanger Amy being photo'd in an S&M dungeon. (Jerry Farwell, Jr in the background) - then, maybe then - it being kinky af, Fox would have to cover it (they love slime, even if it's slime on THEIR slime).

'til then you did get 3 votes. bob must have voted twice. out of habit.

*the original 'WOKE' warrior

newtboy said:

Sad corruption of the highest court can’t get over 3 votes… *beg

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

newtboy says...

Liar. That’s not what he said. No surprise, you can’t be near the truth, it burns you.

He sent millionaires/billionaires as “stealth missionaries”…not mom and pop evangelicals. Mom and pop prayed and sent cards, billionaires sent hundred thousand dollar and more vacations. He did that because billionaires can make bribes mom and pop can’t…sent stealth because bribing judges is against their religion, ethics, and morals….and justices are apparently exempt from ethic and morality rules and laws so can accept any amount without reporting it but still don’t like the optics.
I would bet you any amount (were you not a welcher) the “conservative” justices never pay for their lunches, which they hold in places like the four seasons where the bill can exceed $1k easily every day. Keep in mind this well funded group was only one of dozens lobbying the conservative justices.

Alito leaked decisions to these billionaires, and let them shape decisions….and was paid well for it. Typically hypocritically, suddenly the right doesn’t care one bit about leaks from the court, when last week they were still screaming for blood from the 3 sane justices they assumed were the leakers. Now that it’s known Alito is a leaker….NOTHING BURGER. You infants are so transparent. To your ilk wrong is only wrong if the left does it.

A few dinners is what they CLAIMED, but not everything they did. It’s what he says he suggested (but that’s not believable one bit), not the limit of their involvement by far.
He admitted they hosted dinners for them regularly…including travel across the country and stays in massive estates as part of the “dinner”, and including their friends and families, and often and repeatedly hosted them on extravagant vacations to different continents, including extravagant first class hunting trips to South America, etc, (including first class travel for them and their families)…. and entered a Faustian deal where the court would make abortion illegal only if the evangelicals would support EVERYTHING ELSE in the far right agenda no matter how evil.

Hilarious that he claims he was trying to convince the court it had the people’s support to eradicate reproductive rights. That was a blatant lie from evangelicals, they were opposed by over 70% of the people, and utterly destroyed the legitimacy of the court in their political zeal to erode individual rights for Americans. (And many other ethical and moral failings)

This is the far right court selling a decision (and a legal right) for political gains…and you know they get kickbacks from the far right for that too.

You love wasting tax payer dollars. How many millions wasted on Trump’s fake illicit defense by an activist judge inserting herself in a federal case to protect him? How many hundreds of millions were wasted in Trump’s repeated election fraud investigations that found no fraud besides Republican frauds they ignored? How many billions wasted on Trump’s failed useless border fence that’s already crumbling into rivers and getting blown down in wind, and hasn’t slowed border crossings at all since they’ve increased since he built it? How much was wasted investigating BLM and ANTIFA….how much was wasted CREATING ANTIFA by labeling any protester ANTIFA unless they could prove they weren’t, in a ploy to create a boogie man for you to fear? Now you want to spend hundreds of millions investigating private citizens (Hunter, Clinton). You want to spend hundreds of millions investigating Fauchi. You don’t want to spend a dime investigating the highest court being bribed….unless you only target liberal justices then you’re 100% on board with any amount.
And exactly how many tax dollars have been spent on investigating this? Pretty certain it’s near zero. It’s just public knowledge now. Just said in congress under oath…that’s all.

Edit: I bet you have no problem with justices like Kavenaugh “partying” (getting drunk and raping women?) with Matt Gaetz, Stephen Miller, Erick Prince, Matt Schlapp, Sebastian Gorka, Sean Spicer, and others who have upcoming cases in front of his court, right? Just like it’s fine that Thomas didn’t recuse himself from cases directly involving his wife despite clear ethics rules requiring he do so….right? So much for “high ethical standards”….they have no standards. The right delegitimization the court started with denying Obama a nomination and is now complete.
And the Mark Meadows voter fraud case progresses. Sure he lived in a run down mobile home in the woods, he wasn’t lying to illegally register to vote in N Carolina…one of 3 places he registered. Lots of republicans committing vote fraud in N Carolina.

bobknight33 said:

This is what is admitted:
We sent greeting cards, prayed and had dinner at times.
Occasionally we got together for a few days out west.

WOW that is influencing peddling at the highest level.

Good find at government wasting tax dollars on nothing .

Tesla driver loses control as car speeds down street

BSR says...

If that makes you feel better I'm happy for you. Good luck with your fantasy life.

A drunk driver would have never made as far as this driver did.

bobknight33 said:

Tesla has nothing to do with this.

Title should be Drunk driver loses control as car speeds down street

Tesla driver loses control as car speeds down street

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